Thursday, June 29, 2006

...and a big fella too!

Given that his father is one of the few people who can look Peter Crouch squarely in the eye, it's no surprise that Junior is a bit on the big side at this early stage of his life.

Well, no surprise to us, but plenty it seems to the NHS, who've dragged the missus in for diabetes tests as a result of seeing the rather large figure thrashing about inside her.

Needless to say, nothing's come up, so we can tick that particular problem off the list (and add another few quid to the NHS deficit - not our fault, guv).

The missus is ma-hooosive now though, even with another two-and-a-bit months to go. It's looking increasingly like an induced early arrival or Caesarian is going to be the order of the day - otherwise he'll be too big for the crib, let alone any of the (few) items of clothing we've already bought! Still, I've got a few spare t-shirts in the cupboard - some of the now shrunk-in-the-wash gig shirts may well be a perfect fit, although I guess the Foetus Interruptus one may have to stay where it is...

The missus' cousin has just had a baby boy, which is a good thing in terms of sharing experiences and also provides an occasional playmate on our visits there, which may well become more regular in future, and no bad thing too.

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