Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Famous last words....

I'm loving being a dad, much more than I ever thought possible. There's no way to describe the sense of pride I have when out in public with him - I want everybody to admire him and think he's as perfect as we do. Silly really...

This will almost certainly prove to be famous last words, but...whisper it quietly... it really doesn't seem to be all that much of a struggle so far, either. Obviously his excellent temperament is a big help in this case, but nothing I thought I'd hate (crying very loudly, puking on my t-shirts, nappy changing, etc) has proved to be anything of a burden.

Even the broken sleep, which is nothing new to me anyway, I'm managing to laugh off pretty easily with a few judicious cups of coffee. Although I must admit the missus' sterling night-time duties have played a big part in this!

There, now I've gone and said it. I'll get home tonight to find he started bawling at midday and he won't stop again for another eight years.


Unknown said...

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Nanny Molly

Mike said...

Nanny Molly is gay