Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Every time you go away....

It's been a while since I've been on here - just the usual too many other things to do and not much to say scenario!

But an interesting time coming up - an extended business trip that will see me away from the lad for the longest period since he was born. Thanks to the utter incompetence of Dell Computer my sparkly new machine at home has proved to be a dud, and sadly the old one that I've pressed back into service cannot cope with such innovations as webcams, so my best laid plans for regular videoconferencing with the missus and sprog have turned to dust. Bugger.

So it's going to be over a week until I see him again...wonder how much he'll change in that time? He's just learned how to laugh, well chuckle would be more appropriate, which is disarmingly cute and cannot fail to raise a smile on my own lips.

I'll miss him to be sure. Hope he remembers who I am when I get back....

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