Friday, June 22, 2007

Glastonbury here we don't come...

It's Christening time this weekend! Just a low-key affair with closest family and a few friends, but nonetheless an important day. The missus, of course, has a stinking cold, although the lad seems to have got over his so at least he's not likely to drop a load of snot in the font...

The lad obviously has no idea what's coming up, but he's got used to being in church so I don't think it's going to phase him - too bad if it does, really!

Under normal circumstances we'd be in a less than sober state at Glastonbury this weekend, but 'retirement' from all that nonsense acted as something of a precursor to the arrival of Junior, and having him on the scene guaranteed we'd stick to our guns.

I know the missus is having pangs about missing the festival, but I can't say I am - too old for that shit these days.

Although he's the only 'NCT baby' not yet crawling, I can't say I'm too fussed. He can virtually stand on his own so I guess he just couldn't be bothered with all that crawling malarkey, choosing instead to go straight through to walking.

He has developed quite a sense of humour, finding almost everything absolutely hilarious, particularly anything that involves me whirling him around or pretending to drop him then scooping him up again. If he gets fractious come Christening time perhaps I should suggest that the vicar gives this a go....

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