Tuesday, March 21, 2006

All quiet...

Been a bit quiet on the old nipper front lately. I guess these periods of nothing much happening are all part of the process. Missus isn't even getting much fatter, at least not noticeably.

Going slightly off-topic, I'm feeling quite pleased with myself at completing a half marathon in an OK time. Given that in my school days I once failed to finish a 400m race due to fatigue, I reckon that represents good progress.

My utter lack of sporting skill is bested only by the missus, who lacks neither the basic hand/eye co-ordination to be a hacker at tennis nor the concentration to play golf. Not a good omen for our offspring if it happens to be a boy - it's all but certain to be a ginger and to be crap at sports as well just about guarnatees exclusion from any "cool clubs" within the playground jungle.

Oh well, there's always the Dungeons and Dragons society I suppose....

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