Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Tomorrow never knows....

Well, just one day to go before the big test.

The shock of our last visit to the hospital has given way to a degree of resignation (after all, there's nothing I can do) coupled with some optimism after hearing a number of stories from people who've been through this and found their chances of dodging the bullet significantly improved after the tests.

By the way, if I ever I wanted to demonstrate my lack of knowledge in these matters I managed it quite easily in my last post. I've discovered that the syndrome in question is not "Downs", as in the former Norwich City defensive stalwart Greg Downs, but is in fact "Down's". Apologies to any pedants out there.

I haven't been able to get my mind away from this situation all week. I can't bear to look at the scan photograph of the foetus they gave us at the hospital, in case it tempts fate. I've even been ill, and I am never, ever ill.

For someone who has previously viewed children as a royal pain in the arse to be avoided at all costs these are strange times indeed...

Fingers crossed.

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