Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Days run away

If this blog seems to have slowed up a bit lately, it's naturally enough because these 'middle' weeks of the missus' pregnancy are fairly uneventful as it goes.

The calm before the storm I guess. Junior is starting to make his presence felt, kicking hard enough to be felt when he's up and about, which is a fair amount of the time. I do hope he doesn't inherit my difficulties with sleep, although at least the sleep disturbed evenings created by a newborn will have no fear for me, as that's been my life for decades anyway.

There also seems to be an unending amount of news and views about all things to do with pregnancy and children in the media at the moment, although perhaps this has always been there but I've successfully zoned out in the past. Maybe it's a bit like when you buy a new car and suddenly you notice all the other ones the same as yours out on the road.

Still, I reckon it's about the only time I've been up with fashion in anything in my life, if all the media comments about kids being the latest fashion essential are to be believed...

The missus has now moved into the "I'm tired all the time" third trimester. I have a big book on fatherhood, bought for me by my father-in-law, to plough through - it'll probably be as tiring on my patience.

And all the while the days count down. I'm in a nervous, "slghtly troubled by the whole prospect" sort of phase right now. Hopefully this will lift before long. I'm keeping it to myself and this blog anyway.

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