Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Those were the days...

Time was when a typical Tuesday night in the Smoke would have meant a few beers after work, a gig, maybe a curry even? Tonight, on the other hand, I have a water birth workshop to go to.


Still, I'm sure it'll be useful, as this has become our birthing method of choice, following recommendations from others, several of whom swear by its comforting properties.

The first of our NCT couples has had their baby. All seemed to go well and the missus was greatly relieved to hear that the mum in question found the whole thing less painful and hardcore than she was expecting.

As soon as we get into September (so he's not disadvantaged on schooling years) I reckon the missus will be wolfing down hot curry, drinking fruit teas and jumping up and down to get him out - she's fully into the maximum discomfort zone.

I'm just keeping my usual watching brief, helpng where I can and trying to keep my emotions in check. Not an easy task of late...having a little cry to Jeff Buckley's 'Hallelujah' is all well and good, but perhaps not ideal while on an exercise bike in a crowded gym...

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