Wednesday, April 18, 2007

In the swim...but bugged out

The lad got his first taste of swimming this week, and it seems as though he took to it like the proverbial duck to water.

Indeed the instructor was amazed that it was the first time he'd set foot in the kiddie pool at our local baths, as he happily splashed about. I only have this on the authority of the missus of course, since naturally I was sweating away in the office while all the fun was going on.

Still, my colleague and I escaped for a lunchtime o'booze to celebrate his birthday yesterday, so all was not lost....

But back to the lad, and his love of the water is no surprise to me, since he goes absolutely crazy when we put him in the bath for his nightly splash. In fact it's a wonder there's any water left after he's thrashed it about for the ten minutes or so until my arms are cramping up and I have to haul him out. In fact, "holding on to the crazy bathing nipper" ought to become one of the endurance tests in World's Strongest Man, such is the awkwardness of the task and it's requirement for arm muscles considerably more developed than my own...

Sadly though, his trip to the municipal baths seems to have resulted in him catching a lurgy. The poor thing can't understand why he suddenly feels so rotten and his nose is running like a tap, so he's been in a very sullen mood since.

Given that we can hardly hand him a hanky and tell him to have a good blow, the missus has bought some sort of pipette-like device that's supposed to suck the snot out of his nose, but it doesn't seem to work so she's resorted to a more 'manual' process that's far too gag-inducing to describe in detail here (think snake venom extraction).

Oh well, summer seems to be here so hopefully this will be the last cold of winter in our household...

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