Monday, April 16, 2007

...of God and things...

If you'd said to me ten years ago that I'd be spending my Sunday mornings in church, as opposed to sleeping off the previous evening's excesses, I'd probably have rolled around the floor laughing.

Just goes to show what difference having a child makes to your life....

It's not that I've ever been particularly pro- or anti-religion, more of a fence sitter really. But for some reason once the lad came on the scene I wanted to have him Christened, even though the missus was quite against it. After all, she was such a self-professed atheist that she point-blank refused a church wedding.

But in the end she came round to the Christening idea, so it was natural to try out our local church for size. It's worth pointing out that (unlike many London parents exasperated by state schooling options) there is no school-oriented cynicism in this move. 'Our' church has no better-quality educational establishment that being a regular member of the congreation helps one's chances of gaining access to.

This probably explains why services are not exactly packed out - that and the fact that it is very 'high' in terms of cermonial, with plenty of 'bells and smells'. In fact the vicar himself described it to us as "high as a kite", provoking some quiet mirth from Yours Truly, who has been no stranger to such sensations in the past, but for very different reasons.

It's fair to say that, while I won't be going out looking to convert any sinners any time soon, I am getting quite into the whole thing. I find most things about our world today quite perplexing, and while it's easy (as I have often done myself) to blame religion for many of these ills, it's not really the case. It's human beings loaded to the gunwales with hate that are the problem.

They seem a nice bunch down there and they've really welcomed the lad, who will be their first baby Christened in a good while, it seems. Plus they've got our names and address now, so we'd better keep going along in the build-up to and after the event or we could get a thunderbolt from on high!

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