Wednesday, January 25, 2006

The philosophical challenge...

Most of the hand-wringing displayed on here so far will be familiar to anyone who has entered the wacky world of prospective parenthood.

I have an additional philosophical challenge to overcome.

You see, I strongly believe that the human race is rotten to the core, and that this planet would be vastly improved by our complete removal from it. If you passed me a button that could wipe us all out I'd push it without a second's hesitation.

That's quite a tough world view to square with the fact that I've now become party to the human race's continuing survival!

I look on in despair at our obsession with TV freak shows, at the total lack of civility that exists in the city where I live, at the sheer evil of those four pointless, verminous scumbags sentenced yesterday for that so-called 'happy slapping' murder (for murder it was, forget that manslaughter nonsense).

I always managed to stay on top of it all by thinking that I would do my best to enjoy my life as the world around me deteriorated, then I'd shuffle off this mortal coil before things really went to hell in a handcart.

Now I'm potentially handing on the poisoned chalice to an offspring facing God knows what as a future in our polluted, intolerant, violent and hateful world.

Oh boy....

Something a bit more lighthearted next time round, I promise!

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