Monday, January 30, 2006

Books etc...

It'll be time soon to start stocking up on the "pregnancy for dads" books, I guess.

I've already noted some websites on this subject helpfully published this week in the Sunday Times (for me? How kind...) and I bet the shelves of Books etc. are groaning under the weight of various tomes designed to help us pending dads (reluctant or otherwise) make the most of the whole experience.

Who knows? At the end of all this I might write one myself, using all this blog piffle as a basis. Or not, as the case may be.

The missus' parents now know and are understandably delighted about it, especially the father-in-law, who had probably given up hope of grandchildren, so emphatic have we been about not procreating in the past.

My folks get the news next, which will be an interesting experience given that my most recent communications on the subject included an adamant assertation along the "over my dead body" lines...

Soon the news will have to get out to the wider masses. Some must already suspect, and the missus' post-Christmas detox ruse is really only good for January, after which it's going to look pretty bloody odd!

I'll be quite glad when it's all in the public domain, to be honest. A bit of good news amid the usual doom and gloom of a London winter.

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